Summing Up the Elections: The Horrors, the Fun, and the Historic


This presidential election cycle has been a wonderful mix of horror and entertainment, simultaneously. Call it whatever you want but ‘boring’, which is what typical presidential elections are.

Four issues stand out, in my view, in this election, which I discuss in this post, namely: the “political outsider”, racism, ‘class warfare” (aka ‘voter anger’), and misogyny in the historic time of the first woman running for the presidency of the USA.  I’ll start with the horrors, though.

The Horror

The horrific character of this election is not solely due to that magnificent mediocre-entertainer-turned-GOP-slayer-and-Democratic-party-unifier, do I have to call his name? OK, the Pussy-grabber. You see? Horror and fun simultaneously.

The Late Show Screengrab

More horror has been elicited in the hearts of sane people by the response in some sectors of our body politic to the Donald’s unnatural presidential campaign than by he himself. Consider the following.

When a person lacks the ability to feel shame and remorse (guilt), the sky is the limit to the cruelty one can inflict in other humans and animals with nonsense excuses. Shame and remorse are the legs on which morality stands, remove them and you have personal and social chaos; remove them and you have verbal and physical aggression dominating human interactions.

Donald Trump showed himself to be the walking poster-boy of an amoral human being, bragging about not abiding by ‘political correct” attitudes. His lack of shame and remorse allows him to insult and humiliate ANYONE who displeases him or is in his way to grab something, scam the poor and the rich (in that he is ‘fair’), treat women as veritable sexual objects, propose heartless policies, discriminate and show racism…The man has no limits on hatred nor a minuscule sense of loyalty to anyone but himself.

But what has truly scare the bejesus out of sane people is how many people are out there who find AFFINITY with his behavior or who are gingerly dismissing as ‘clownish’ precisely the statements that show his lack of morals, and propose voting for him. Dismissing Hitler’ shameless racism is what brought him to power, didn’t it?

Publicly out there defending Trump’s racist and misogynist remarks are Hollywood entertainers and people in our nations’ political right and left wings.

Susan Sarandon (and ex hubby Tim Robbins) as Trump Apologist. They went public to say that Trump is “less dangerous than Hillary”.

Mainstream America is not aware of how the Left, in its totality (except the people at The Nation, who support Hillary), joined the right wingers and became Trump Apologists to explain to the working class why, despite his racism and misogyny,  he is a better alternative for them than Hillary Clinton. Their support of the Donald is more pornographic than the right wingers screwing America. The immorality of the Left supporting this racist and misogynist elitist ‘billionaire’ has been the topic of this inartful blog since February.


Trump may be a pompous, clownish ass, but Hillary Clinton is a world-class dissembler whose most prominent personality trait happens to be pure, old-fashioned, unbridled Ambition.” 4 Reasons Not to Fear Donald Trump by David Macaray [a man, of course] June 3, 2016 at Counter Punch

And of course,  had the mainstream media (MSM) (MSM = NYT, WaPo, Cable News stations…) refuse to give free coverage to the Don’s absurd campaign from the beginning, we wouldn’t be now running like headless chicken trying to fend off this  third-rate new millennium Hitler. C’mon, at least Hitler knew what he was doing and was ‘good’ at it.

Then there was the horrifying spectacle of Sanders supporters following Hillary Clinton around and hurling insults at her and threatening to ‘kill’ her, while he was  vilifying her. It was horrifying, not only because it was unfair and disrespectful to her, but because most of us knew that Sanders was feeding Trump the ammo to shoot at Hillary. Trump later adopted the insults and thank him for them.


Hillary Clinton’s rally in California was cut short this week when a group of Bernie Sanders backers broke out into a loud protest, with some of the demonstrators even turning their anger against children who were backing Clinton.

Interestingly enough, Sanders NEVER apologized to Hillary publicly for those names (“cooked”, etc.,) nor made any gestures to denounce Trump for appropriating his negative sobriquet.

The Fun

Well, I’ll let you identified what was entertaining to you in this campaign. Both Hillary and Trump gave us reason to laugh at them, didn’t they? This is one of those Trump statements that made me laugh:

[Angry when asked why he interrupted his campaign to go cut ribbons for his new hotel he gave a litany of campaign stops and said:] “For you to ask me that question is actually very insulting, because Hillary Clinton does one stop and then goes home and sleeps, and yet you’ll ask me that question. I think it’s a very rude question, to be honest with you.”

LOL You can also check SNL for more campaign fun.

It All Started with Angry Voters and Political ‘Outsiders’:

Angry Voters and Class Wars

It all started with ‘angry voters’ in the primaries, remember them?  I know, the media doesn’t talk about them anymore. That’s because the angry voters have been properly channeled to the two parties to waste their anger on attacking Hillary and Trump, not on those who they claim have actually made them angry in the first place: the oligarchs and ‘globalists’. But I’m digressing.

Those who the GOP considers the plebe (the middle class, mostly the lower end of it) were justifiably angry at how they have been pushed by the oligarchs, the elites and politicians down with the ‘untouchables’ (the poor), identified by the right wingers as the colored ‘free loaders’ and ‘illegal aliens’ living in poverty. The left-wing (Sanders’ followers and the American Left) took as the object of its rage, not the oligarchs, but Hillary Clinton. See “she’s a liar” shouted at her face:

It should be noted that the oligarchs/globalists were never threatened by the angry voters in the Dem party. As I discussed in this blog, they, represented by Larry Summers, came out against Trump, not against Sanders. Why? Because, while Sanders was busy vilifying Hillary and blaming her for all the problems in the world, Trump was ‘shaming’ the globalists publicly, blaming them for the loss of jobs here. They, the globalists, were the ones who admitted that this election is about class wars, but the people don’t want to hear about that.

So, these angry voters populated both the GOP and the Democratic parties, and threatened a revolution within the parties, not outside. They railed against their respective parties’ “establishment” but marched right into them to turn them into the opposite of what those parties are. Sanders’ supporters wanted to turn the DNC into some form of ‘not picante’ Bolshevist Party and Hillary Clinton into a female Lenin.

The revoltosos at the GOP want…I’m still trying to figure that out. I know they want capitalism and globalism, but not too hot either.

The Outsiders: Trump and Sanders

Donald Trump entered the campaign waving the flag of the billionaire outside of politics (we are still waiting to see his taxes to confirm his status as billionaire), and the MSM did not question his claim of being a political ‘outsider’.

Image result for trump outsider politics

I discussed the issue of billionaires, elite and oligarchs as pseudo outsiders in politics here. Is a myth, folks. Anyway, Trump admitted, during the primaries debates and later, that he paid politicians and later got from them what he needed. His own words. So he admits that he is NOT an outsider in politics, he is a manipulator of politics and politicians for his interest. I know, nothing wrong with that, but the point is made that he and other wealthy businessmen are  NOT outsiders in politics. It does matter, people.

Image result for trump political outsider

He is not “controlled by lobbyists” because he is his own lobbyist. He ‘donates’ to politicians to get his wishes.

Sanders, good ol’ Sanders. Not only was he paraded as an ‘outsider’, his followers made a saint out of him, with trip to the Vatican and all to get sainthood status (another fun moment in the elections).

Image result for saint bernie sanders

The MSM promoted the illusion that, because Sanders was an ‘independent’ and ‘socialist’, he was an outsider in politics, that as such he NEVER, in 30+ years in Congress, participated in the parties ‘establishment’.  Of course, the media has refused, to this day, to vet his votes in Congress. Sanders became a threat to Hillary Clinton only because the MSM gave to him the same thing they gave Trump: free coverage.

On top of that, they preserved the image of Sanders the ‘he never lies, he is so honest’, and Hillary the born-liar. You can’t have a bitch without someone to bitch on, can you? The media gave us Sanders to highlight Hillary’s ‘corruption’. But it was Sanders the one hurling insults, calling Hillary ‘corrupt’ and ‘crooked’, she never insulted him…and the media don’t show us his record nor his emails. Remember: The first instance of campaign hacking was his campaign stealing Clinton’s donor and supporters list.

Image result for sanders stealing data from dnc

The Democratic National Committee suspended Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign’s access to the DNC voter database after the party organization said the campaign was able to take advantage of a software error to access Hillary Clinton’s confidential voter information.

Image result for sanders is the only one telling the truth

The Confrontations: Hillary & Trump Feel the Angry Voters’ ‘Burn’

Then there were the protests at Trump’s and Hillary’s rallies. This is where all hell broke loose: the MSM took an uncharacteristic support of leftist ‘rioters’.

As I commented in the post mentioned above, while up to these primaries the media had ignored the OWS and BLM movements, they turned their cameras in FAVOR of those  same people who were disrupting Trump’s and Hillary’s rallies. The media did not accuse the protesters of marching into Trump’s rallies to provoke violence, it accused Trump of inciting violence.

Funny thing is, the American Left DID organize protests to provoke violence.

…include[ing] mobilizing the greatest number possible of radicalizing people of color, youth, Bernie Sanders supporters and others to confront and shut down his campaign events at every opportunity possible. [Quote link in my post .]

And recently, the media and Assange’s Wikileaks want to blame Hillary for it, when it is clear that everybody had dirty hands. The media, above all, for covering the violence and exculpating the protesters as  not inciting violence when they did.

Misogyny Makes History with Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has the historic distinction of being the first woman running for president of the USA, but, were it  not for Trump, that would have been a negative for her in her campaign. During the primaries she was not allowed to boast about that historical achievement: she was publicly criticized by just about everybody for trying.

[Update: Article re MSM “They’re already trying to erase what they did to Hillary Clinton“]

As the first woman running for office, Hillary Clinton has had the undesired and undeserved distinction  of having been dragged through the mud, humiliated for openly running as a woman, blamed for ALL the evils in the planet (no man, president or not, has achieved this feat), called a bitch in her face, have her life threatened by men (not one woman has gone so far as to wanting to assassinate her), condemned by the MSM, the Left and by Trump and his supporters as the ‘most dishonest person on the planet’…

This is the manifestation of hatred of women, and it is historic. This presidential cycle will go to the history books as one where misogyny became a campaign issue by default.

The MSM refused to highlight the historical feature of her candidacy, and on the day she won her party’s nomination as the first woman nominated for the highest office, the Washington Post published this on its cover:

    The Take: Clinton got what she needed, but her image is underwater

It was a hit piece, promoting the ‘conventional truth’ that Hillary is a born-liar and NO ONE likes her. You know ‘conventional truths’, don’t you? They are accepted without evidence and by the force of repeating them over and over.

It is a fact that having someone of your kind (race, gender, nationality) in high office works as a role model, a boost in the collective ego of that group. No need to elaborate here on the importance of a President Obama in that respect.

But women are not allowed, yet, that benefit. Nonetheless, one thing this presidential campaign has done, by this woman running for office, is cast the light at the intensity and depth of misogyny in our culture.

Even women were afraid to praise Hillary in her effort, afraid to put women’s issues in the forefront. It took the king of the misogynist, pussy-grabber Trump, to break the damn dam of misogyny.

Now, as I write this post, it is clear that women, the majority of voters in the land, are inclined to vote for Hillary PRECISELY because of all the misogyny that Trump illuminated. These women saw how many men, from right to left, up and down the social scale, mansplained Trump to them.

That’s why Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is so important. It open the national conversation on women’s issues. No president has cared for it, because they all were men.

Like the saying goes, ‘it ain’t over until is over’. We still have a couple of weeks before we vote, anything is possible, horrible surprises can happen. There are historical evidence to that, like when no one believed that Hitler could win the German elections.

But all in all, this has been the most horrific and positive election in a long time. The last bastion of oppression, after class, race and nationality, i.e., of women, is open for a cleaning. People are angry about the economy and globalism and the elite is listening, for good and for bad.

The MSM has done a superb job at being dishonest, attacking BOTH Trump and Hillary, doing its job for the globalists who don’t want Trump and are not sure about Hillary.

Turmoil will be in the future, but I’m looking forward to the administration of the first woman President  of the USA.

I have discussed most of these issues in this blog. I know I have an unconventional take on things, I’ve been told so. I invite you to stroll around the posts’ titles and take a look. My ESL shows, but you understand what I’m saying. May not agree, but understand the message.

Thanks for reading.

2 thoughts on “Summing Up the Elections: The Horrors, the Fun, and the Historic

  1. Where is your giant I am with Her button? Saying it’s a ‘conventional truth’ that Hillary is a huge liar and has no evidence is itself a huge lie. Not only does she constantly change her stances on issues to go with popular opinion but she has been busted several times on lying about things. Like landing under sniper fire.


    • Someone, your self righteousness is what is dishonest. You speak as if you have evidence that only she is TOTALLY corrupt, as if there is no redeeming element in her character. Show me Sanders emails and I show you dishonesty in his character. It is dishonest to open her emails to judge her character but keep Sanders and Trump’s closed. These are politicians, not saints. You continue to demand sainthood from your candidates.
      I’m voting for Hillary, yes, I’m with her, not because she is is saint, but because I researched her policies and life and found her to be DECENT enough as a politician. Yes, she has a few things that I don’t like, but Trump and Sanders are, in my opinion, more dishonest than she is.
      Which saint are you voting for?


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