History Is Written By The Victors, And Sanders Takes Dictation. The Making of The Myth Of Trump’s Victory

Winston Churchill supposedly said that history is written by the victors, but the history of this presidential election cycle will be written by the candidate rejected by the people, Trump. And right there starts the problem of how this history will be read in the future. Does it matter? I think it does; it matters a lot.


Washington Post. It was a “success”, historic in a positive way; no mention that he was rejected by the people.

And The Winner Is…

The books on political history of the USA that will be used in high schools 50 years from now  might as well start with the statement that on November 8 2016 Donald J Trump won the presidential election over a woman named Hillary Rodham Clinton; end of sentence, then pass to discuss his ‘legacy’. The rest of the story can be ignored in the same way that many inconvenient historical facts are ignored.

But the results of these elections are pretty complicated, aren’t they? How and who decided who won? Answer, the impersonal ‘electoral college’ (EC). What’s the purpose of the EC?

Although the Founding Fathers wanted the people to have a say, there was concern that a charismatic tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come into power. Alexander Hamilton briefly addressed these concerns in the Federalist Papers. The idea was that the electors would be a group of people who would ensure that a qualified person would become president.

Funny thing is that in 2016, not only they dismissed the will of the people who voted by overwhelming majority for the candidate they and her opponents considered “the most qualified”; the members of the EC  elected as president the candidate that even the members of his own party considered “unqualified”, and the kind of populist tyrant the Fathers had in mind when they put that atrocious EC in the Constitution.

When the people in the electoral college dismiss the will of the people and DICTATE that the presidency will go to someone unqualified and unfit to be president, violating in that way their Constitutional mandate, I submit to you, that is a coup d’etat. And there were Democrats in the EC who stated publicly, before the elections, that they would not accept the people’s will and will vote against Hillary.

The danger in this situation is that, to clean up the evidence of a ‘coup‘, two myth are being created as we speak: the myth that Trump ‘defeated’ Hillary Clinton, and the myth that Hillary Clinton, not only lost and was defeated (a word that conjures images of physical violence), but her loss was of her own making because what caused her defeat was not really the electoral colleges but her “neglect” of the “needs of white blue-collar working men”.  Implied in the ‘Hillary myth’ is the code that if Trump becomes a tyrant and the people suffer his tyranny, it will all be Hillary’s fault for being, as Sanders called her, “a shitty candidate”. That much the Leftists have  been saying, and it is consistent with their year-long campaign of blaming Hillary for all the evils of the world.

After stealing the elections and blaming her for what is yet to come, the next step is to ‘fix’ Hillary’s ‘egregious’ neglect of white voters; the GOP, Sanders and the Democrats will be supporting policies to ‘correct’ the economic pain of those white GOP blue-collar workers. More on this and the myths below.

Thus, the presidency was not won, the president was not elected by the people. Technically speaking Trump won, but he also won in what is perceived by 3/4 of the people of the planet, in an undemocratic fashion.

And The Losers Are…

This is where Sanders, members of the Democratic party, and the American Left (AL) enter this discussion.

The presidency was stolen from Hillary Clinton, but the people of the USA and democracy were the HUGE losers. 

That’s the big difference that we can’t let the First Lewd President, Trump, and his gang of deplorables ignore when they write their history.

The problem is that, not only Trump and his coterie of Pinochets are repeating the lie that he won, but that  the media, MSM and Leftist, Sanders, members of the Democratic party and the AL, they are all repeating that Hillary lost.

That the American Left and Democrats and Sanders, all supposedly lovers of freedom and democracy, are willing to ignore the fact that the big losers here were the people and the American democracy, is less offensive than how they are doing it.

These false prophets of the working class are joining Trump and his gang of deplorables to construct TWO myths:

  1. That Hillary lost, and phrased positively for Trump, that Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. Words matter, people. Repeat constantly, as Sanders and the Left are doing without qualifying it, that Trump defeated ‘that woman’, and you have history written by the losers.

2. Sanders and the Left’s discourse is that all of the catastrophe that is about to land on us is Hillary Clinton’s fault, that her ‘evilness’ and ‘incompetence’ is what brought this debacle of an administration on us. The mantra that Hillary is not credible continues when everybody jumps at her for saying that the last week of emails did her in. The vociferous Sanders and Leftists and the media shouts at her that she lost because…she didn’t care about white collar workers, she cared only for WS…you name it, it is NEVER that the elections were undemocratic and stolen from the people. That has disappeared from the conversation.

The Danger Within The Myth: Racism as Policy

That she ‘lost’ because she ignored the white blue-collar men of the GOP is racist Identity Politics (IP) in action; blaming her for the actions of the electoral colleges – giving Trump the presidency – because of race identities. The triumph of Trump’s racist call to protect the economic rights of white-men is now supported by Sanders and the Left and his mostly white Bernies. They are now “looking to work” with Trump to make this a national policy priority: pacify the deplorables who want their needs above the rest of the people of this nation. It turns the GOP into a Nationalist Socialist German Party (NAZI); just delete ‘German‘ and insert ‘American.’

This is why Identity Politics is anathema to the GOP, the oligarchs, the conservatives and the American Left and Sanders, because it can be used by them to protect white privileges, but denies the “others” non-white the right to fight against those racist policies: “it’s class, stupid, not race” shouted Leftist CounterPunch magazine the other day. By denying that they are using IP, anyone who denounces it is then labeled by them a racist against white people.

Identity Politics is a term that shows who is getting what and who is not getting it. This is what unchallenged Identity Politics looks like:

Identity Politics: No need to be concerned about it.

Finally, no where is there on that side of the deplorables (Sanders and the Left included in the ‘deplorables’) an ounce of sympathy for Hillary Clinton. Men ganging on her with viciousness and hatred, because it is mostly men the ones accusing her of losing the presidency, to accuse her of not being caring for the needs of the white racists.

I invite you to challenge every time you find it this narrative that Hillary lost and Trump ‘defeated her’.

Trump’s win might best be seen as the success of the U.S.’s first independent president WaPo

Sanders et al traitors of the American people have joined Trump and are excited about working with him. Since February I have talking here about Sanders and the Left and how they have become intellectually and ideologically corrupt. They have proved me right.

Please, don’t let the coup that was perpetrated on us to be written as ‘the will of the people’.

(As always, I write with an ESL ‘accent’. Please, forgive the bad grammar and composition.)

2 thoughts on “History Is Written By The Victors, And Sanders Takes Dictation. The Making of The Myth Of Trump’s Victory

  1. Pingback: Democrats and Sanders’ Revolt Against Democratic Voters And Move To The GOP – white media lives matter

  2. Pingback: Democrats and Sanders’ Revolt Against Democratic Voters And Move To The GOP – white media lies matter

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